If there is no electric service to a lot or structure, please call the office at 800-927-6068 and provide the tax parcel identification number or the county, township, and section the property is located in, along with the nearest 911 address. The office will provide an estimated cost to extend either overhead or underground service to the property. If you agree to this estimate, we will arrange a meeting to discuss the exact location and provide an invoice and membership application to begin the process
Sales tax will be applied where applicable
Overhead Line Extension – Single Phase |
New Service: $12.50 per foot + $3,500 construction fee Rebuild: $13.00 per foot + $6,000 construction fee |
Overhead Line Extension – Three Phase |
New Service: $22.00 per foot + $6,000 construction fee Rebuilds Under 1500 Feet: $29.00 per foot + $6,000 Rebuilds Over 1500 Feet: $29.00 per foot |
Underground Line Extension – Single Phase* |
New Service: $12.00 per foot + $4,000 construction fee Rebuilds: $13.00 per foot + $4,000 construction fee Padmount Transformer Charge: $800 Overhead To Underground Conversion Fee: $1,000 *No underground will be installed between December 1 to April 1 *Member provides trench |
Underground Line Extension – Three Phase* |
Multi-Phase Extension New Service: $33.00 per foot + $6,000 construction fee Rebuilds: $40.00 per foot + $6,000 construction fee Padmount Transformer Charge: $4,000 Overhead To Underground Conversion Fee: $3,500 *No underground will be installed between December 1 to April 1 *Member provides trench and concrete pad |
Meter Pedestals |
Pole Pedestal: $525 + tax 200A Free Standing Meter Pedestal: $950 + tax 400A Free Standing Meter Pedestal: $1,500 + tax Member is responsible for installing, maintaining, and locating secondary conductors from pedestal to house. |
Inline Pole Relocation |
$2,500 per pole for single-phase relocation $5,000 per pole multi–phase relocation $1,000 per meter pole relocation Please contact the Staking Department if multiple poles need to be relocated. |
Pole Pricing For Member Use |
Please call the Staking Department for pricing. 800-927-6068 |
Iowa Farm Units |
320A Single Phase: $3,200 + tax 600A Single Phase: $4,700 + tax 800A Single Phase: $5,300 + tax 400A Three Phase: $4,700 + tax 600A Three Phase: $6,800 + tax |
Credit |
All contributions in aid of construction for new services, other than underground conversion and transformer charges, are refundable at a 3¢ per kilowatt-hour credit on your monthly bill once the service is connected. This will continue for three years or until the contribution is fully refunded, whichever comes first. Prices are subject to change without notice. |
If you are moving to a location with electric service in place, please call the office at 800-927-6068 or email billing@mvec.com and provide the 911 address of the location, along with your current mailing address. A membership application is required and a deposit may be required.
If you are moving, please notify the office of the date you will no longer be responsible for electricity or MVlink fiber usage. You will need to provide a forwarding address for your final bill and to collect future patronage dividend payments.
If you own the property and wish to have service temporarily or permanently disconnected, please call the office to schedule 800-927-6068.