Scott Minzenmeyer

Scott Minzenmeyer Region 1
(Jones, Cedar & Linn Counties)
Todd Wiedenman

Todd Wiedenman Region 3
(Dubuque County)
Brett Nagel

Brett Nagel Region 4
(Delaware, Buchanan & Clayton Counties)
Annual Meeting Held
An election to fill three MVEC Board seats was held at MVEC’s Annual Meeting in Peosta on Thursday, August 15th. MVEC members were able to vote by mail (ballots were due back to MVEC’s office by Tuesday, August 13th at noon) or in-person at the Annual Meeting. Attorney Denny Puckett (Sullivan & Ward) presided over the mail-in ballot count and in-person balloting. At the end of Annual Meeting, President Ron Thielen reported on the results of the director election, indicating Scott Minzenmeyer was re-elected to Region 1, Todd Wiedenman was elected to Region 3, and Brett Nagel was elected to Region 4.
MVEC thanks Charles McCullough and Larry Swanson, our retiring Board members, for their dedication to the cooperative and our members.
We congratulate Director Minzenmeyer and welcome Directors Wiedenman and Nagel to the Board. We look forward to working with you to serve the members of Maquoketa Valley Electric Cooperative.